Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Taize Cross is not the same as San Damiano Cross

Often times, the two crosses get confused as they look similar. Infact, I got quite lost on how they were related, and have done some research. Based on it, I have found out some facts as mentioned below:

San Damiano Cross

The San Damiano Cross is the large Romanesque rood cross that St. Francis of Assisi was praying before when he received the commission from theLord to rebuild the Church. The original cross hangs in the Basilica of Saint Clare (Basilica di Santa Chiara) in Assisi, Italy. Franciscans cherish this cross as the symbol of their mission from God. The cross is of a type sometimes called an icon cross because besides the main figure it contains images of other saints and people related to the incident of Christ's crucifixion. The tradition of such crosses began in the Eastern Church and probably reached Italy via Serbia and Croatia.

Icons Explained:

There are 33 figures in the Icon - Two Christ figures, 1 Hand of the Father, 5 major figures, 2 smaller figures, 14 angels, 2 unknown at His hands, 1 small boy, 6 unknown at the bottom of the Cross and one rooster. There are 33 nail heads along the frame just inside the shells and seven around the halo.

1)The central figure of the icon is Christ, not only because of the relative size, but because Christ is a figure of light dominating the scene and giving light to the other figures

2)The Ascension is portrayed within this circle of red: Christ is breaking out of the circle, holding a golden cross which is now His Royal Scepter.Angels welcome Him into Heaven

3)From within the semi-circle at the very top of the Icon, He whom no eye has seen reveals Himself in a benediction. This blessing is given by the right hand of God with the finger extended - the Holy Spirit.

4)Around the Cross are various calligraphic scrolls which may signify the mystical vine

5)As in John's Gospel, Mary and John are placed side by side.

6) The other major figures are Mary Magdalene with the hand on her chin, Mary Clopas( Mother of James) & the Centurion of Capernaum who holds a piece of wood in his left hand indicating his building of the Synagogue.

7) The lesser figures are Longinus(who pierced Jesus' side with a lance) and Stephen(the soldier who offered Jesus vinegar)

8) At the bottom of the Icon are six unknown saints whom Scholars postulate are SSTs Damian, Rufinus, Michael, John the Baptist, Peter and Paul, all patrons of Churches in the Assisi area.

9) There are also seated two groups of angels on the sides of his extended arms - animatedly discussing the scene unfolded before them

10) Finally, there is the inclusion of the rooster recalls the denial of Peter who wept bitterly.

The Taizé Cross

The Taize Cross is based on icons that have been brought from the Orthodox church and it was painted by Br. Eric of the Taize Community.Br. Eric was very gifted as an artist. Through his works— paintings, etchings, stained glass—he was one of the brothers who awakened sensitivity to beauty that is so linked to the vocation of TaizĂ©. His numerous Stained Glass windows are to be found in countries around the world. In the above picture of the cross,, we can see that it does not contain all the above figures of the San Damiano cross, but only looks similar.  

Icons figured out(May not be the actual interpretation):

There is the central figure of Jesus Christ crucified along with supposedly Mary and John to his sides. Other than that there is a figure above the cross which may denote an angel.

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